Community Contributions

Energy Boost


To reinforce the brand, drive home the local impact of PG&E, and thwart potential competition’s statements that PG&E was a “San Francisco company,” we developed and executed a locally-focused campaign.


Utilizing real PG&E employees, we created a six-month, multi-media (television, print and microsite) campaign in English and Spanish to highlight the contributions that PG&E makes to the community.


50% unaided recall and more than 80% aided recall in phone surveys. Fresno area customer satisfaction ratings reached 85% satisfied and very satisfied combined. Coupled with other factors, the potential competitor suspended its development efforts.

“From our website development of to our overall local marketing strategy and branding including television and print, JP Marketing conceptualized and executed every detail of our campaign admirably. They are a valuable asset to any corporation.”

– Al Galvez, Government Relations Director
Pacific Gas & Electric Company